If you are thinking about expanding the online boundaries of your business to a point called «Instagram», then we say: «It’s high time!» With over 1 billion users, Instagram is the ideal platform for any business. Moreover, Instagram itself is constantly evolving, introducing more and more functions for doing business online. Instagram is a very “friendly” social network for both communication and business.

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Therefore, those who have not yet learned all its tricks and want to establish a reliable connection with Instagram and «make friends» with it, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features and ideas that you could apply while developing your business account. What does an Instagram business profile do?
The «business» status opens up such opportunities inaccessible to your personal profile as promoting your own posts using ads, viewing statistics about your users (gender, age, geography) and publications (number of profile visits, coverage and impressions of publications, level of interaction), and a more detailed description to the profile. In the description of your company it is possible to add buttons so that users can contact you in any way convenient for them: by phone, SMS, e-mail. In addition, you can offer to find you on the map by implementing the «How to get» button. To do this, in the settings for the profile description, enter the address where those who wish can find you. Please note that the address data must be specified on the English keyboard layout. «Hanging tags» or what is shopping tags.
In the fall of 2016, American Instagram users were able to get acquainted with a new feature — “shopping tags”. With these tags, online retailers or any company that offers to buy something on Instagram can attach price tags and short descriptions to products in the photo of their publication, as well as a direct link that leads to the product page on the main site. The latter feature will especially delight those whose account has not yet reached the desired 10 thousand subscribers — a number that allows you to post clickable links in their stories. A post with trade tags is identified in the general publication album with a special icon. Instagram allows you to add up to 5 tags on each image and up to 20 in a carousel post. However, you cannot tag users and products at the same time. To use this feature on your business profile posts, the first step is to create a complete product catalog on your Facebook page, and all products must comply with the Merchant Trade Agreement and Facebook Trade Policy. You can manage your Instagram store through your Facebook Business account or Shopify and BigCommerce platforms.

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